Saturday, February 27, 2010


The 50th wedding anniversary was awesome! I am so blessed and honored to be apart of the last 8 years of Johnnie and Charles Rhoades life, marriage, and family! They are truly an example set before me. Growing up in a family where divorce was very common, and family always seemed to be falling down around me, watching this family has blessed me beyond what they will ever imagine. The Love I have learned from them is indescribable. Through such a terrible tragedy, I gained something that is Incredible. I gained love, I gained a family who was real and stuck it out. I have learned so much from them and I only hope that God will bless me with the blessing and even more than they have and have had! I love you Rhoades Family!!!!! Thank you for loving me and for taking me in! J

On my way home, Jeremy and I began to talk about how we just yearn for people to be awakened…not from literally sleeping but being religiously asleep. There is so much more to God and a lifestyle of being “Christian” than many people know or even understand. I look back and see how far I have come in the past year and also the past 10 years! Each day, I yearn for God more and more than the day before. I never want to sit around and talk about “the good ole days” again. Because with God, the next level of glory is amazing! I never want to become comfortable on a step to the point of where I am ok with not moving on with Him! Yes with each level of glory comes trials, some easier than others to overcome but God will always have my hand to pull me up to the next level! He will always walk with me through the valley and fire and He will also be there when I am standing on top of the mountain! I want a life of NO COMPROMISE! I do not want to be apart of a life that is not willing to lay it all down for Him. He is my provider, He is my shelter, He is my everything! With out the Lord, I am nothing and I have nothing. With out Him in my life, I wouldn’t have my wonderful and beautiful family! I wouldn’t have met Jeremy Ledbetter or the Rhoades Family. When I think about where I would be with out the Lord in my life, I look around at my family…they seem so lost, so sad, so displaced. Not sure of who they are or even where they are going. Had November 12th, 1999 not taken place, I would more than likely be a divorced woman somewhere with kids who possibly was an alcoholic and Lord only knows what else. BUT PRAISE GOD THAT THE GENERATIONAL CURSE STOPS WITH ME! No longer will any generation be held in bondage to the past of my family! Don’t get me wrong…I love them all very much. I am just so glad I am my heavenly Father offered all He did for me! I wasn’t a bad kid, I didn’t do horrible things, but I wasn’t saved and I wasn’t going to heaven. The road ahead of me wasn’t going the way it should have been. Today I am on the right path, and wow, its GLORIOUS!!!! Oh if I could just get everyone to see how amazing this life is, how amazing His love is. If I could just open their eyes to see so much more….all the way from the ones who don’t believe in Him to the ones who do but just don’t know what its all about to have covenant with Him. To be marked in the secret place! Wow, the message behind that is great! (thank you Casey Doss for asking God that question!)

God is Good!!!! He is more than good, He is Awesome, Beautiful, Compassionate, Detailed in the little things, Everlasting, Forever, Good, Holy, Indescribable, Jealous, Kind, Loving, Mountain mover, Nurturer, Omnipresent, Provider, Quick, Redeemer, Surprising, Trustworthy, Unmoving, Victorious, Wonderful, X-factor, Yahweh, Zealous. Those are just a few of my ABC’s that describe Him. I love during worship to just call out names for Him. He is the GREAT “I AM”

Friday, February 26, 2010


Being a child of God means that you follow Him, you seek after His heart, His will, and live by His word, The BIBLE. Does your life reflect that? Does it reflect a life of obedience to the Lord? Lord I live only for you and I look forward to your marching orders for my day and life! (Note: When I put these messages up, these are things that the Lord has spoken to me 1st and that are on my heart. They aren't to point fingers or throw stones.)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is my wonderful family!


Ok, so I am going to attempt this blog thing. I feel like this is something I should have started a while back but just havent sat down and done it! So now I begin :) These blogs will consist of my thoughts, feelings, Word from the Lord, and Family Matters! Here we go!