Sunday, May 22, 2011

JOB 1:22

Job 1:22 "In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong."

Have you ever had something happen in your day or life that you didn't handle correctly or even got upset with God?

We have to learn how to be more like Job and be faithful through the storms in life. Verse 21 says God gives and God takes away. No matter what we loose, God can give it back and we must not be so attached to our belongings that we would charge God with loosing those things but know He can and will restore to us what is taken.

Don't let anger, bitterness, hurt, or any other thing creep in when the storms come! Keep the Faith!! Keep an eternal perspective - "an eternal perspective gives us the ability to see beyond temporary trials."

"God can grow a mushroom overnight, but it takes many years - and many storms - to build a might oak." Warren Wiersbe