Thursday, May 27, 2010

Now onto 1st, 5th, and 7th...Wow how time flys!!!

Well we have offically finished our first school year at Hamilton Elementary and Hamilton Middle School. I now have two in middle school, one in 1st grade, and one at home. They are growing up so fast! Ethan did awesome in Kindergarten...He mastered every skill and is so if we can just get past the stage of him being a smarty pants lol. The girls both did good. Brianna is excited to be a 7th grader and Kara is excited(somewhat, she's not much for change) for middle school. Its hard to believe that we have been in Hamilton for almost 1 whole year. I am a very proud mommy and wife. Along with super blessed!!! (no pics of Kara bc she will not let me take one, shes not camera happy right
JAXSON~JUST A BIG BOY!!Jeremiah 29: 11-13 (NLT)
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me."

Last weekend in April!!! Wow God is amazing!!

(from the weekend of April 23-25th)
I have just realized that this weekend has a lot of meaning. Two years ago, April Ramp 08, was our first trip to the Ramp. We came with our youth group from BSOP. It was incredible. For the first time in a long time, I felt the freedom to worship. Needless to say, we were wrecked when we left, both Jeremy and I, and the youth group. (At this meeting, Jeremy began to feel the pull to Hamilton. But I didn’t.) We attended the Kids Ramp 08 with our kids and then also the Summer Ramp. Last year, this same weekend, Jeremy, the kids, and I came up for the first time on a Sunday night. It was the Sunday night after April Ramp 09. During the service, I began to feel the tug to Hamilton. On our way home from that service, Jeremy and I realized that God was calling us here. Three months later, we came! So much has happened in a year. I have learned a lot and am still learning.

What Have I learned that in a year? A lot can happen in a year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days… One year ago, if you had told me that we as family were about to go though a layoff, a major move, and incredible experiences…I just would have laughed. A year ago, I believed we would be at US Steel for the rest of our lives, live in Morris, AL til we died, and work with the youth at BSOP forever. (The only part of that that I dreaded was the US Steel part.) Feb of 2009, Jeremy was laid off for 2 weeks and then back to work. Ok, this wont last long. Cool! March, we were laid off…whole month, then came April, May, June, July. Really didn’t expect all that. We went from making great money to next to nothing. What was God up to, we begin to ask in April. At the end of April, we made a trip to the Ramp for a Sunday night service. Damon preached an awesome word. That night on the way home, I told Jeremy I was feeling the same as he had been for over a year to move there. We began deep prayer and searching for what God really wanted us to do. The next three months from then would be trying and difficult. What would our family think, would we find a house or even a job, would our kids be ok, was this truly what we needed to do? Every time we came to Hamilton, the Lord reassured us that we were making the right move. I began to lean on God and to trust Him like never before. I began to realize for the first time in all my saved years, that He could and would have complete control and I would have NO worries. He’s God and with Him all things are possible. I learned to let go and let God. He holds this whole world in His hands and despite my questions and things I don’t know or understand, He knows what He is doing!!

In a year, I have seen a change in my kids. I have watched my daughter go to a new level with the Lord. Brianna is so in love with God. She gives Him her all. She has come to know a freedom in her worship. She likes to get up at 5am to read her Bible. And has recently started a bible study at school!!! I have watched Kara grow in knowing who God is to her. I have seen her come out of her shell when it comes to God. Just a few weeks ago, I watched her get on her knees and seek God during worship. Last week, she went up the front and worshiped. Not like her at all, she’s not a “everyone look at me kind of girl.” Even at 5 yrs old (now 6), I watched Ethan grow in the Lord. He loves worship and now gets to play his guitar on the stage. The ministry team here, along with Damon and Mrs. Karen have become who they want to model themselves after. Each day, I see them grow more and more than they ever have. I watch Jaxson as he becomes completely captivated by God. When worship begins, he focuses, he sings, he raises his hands. The songs he sings at home are those that bring glory to the Lord. Being here at the Ramp is more than a Sunday school lesson or a youth group for my kids. Its real life to them. It has become their Normal! The people they look up to now aren’t Miley Cyrus, Icarly, or Spiderman, although they still like them. They have a new focus. Their 1st focus is the Lord! They look up to those who lay down their lives daily to live for the Lord. My girls aren’t focused on boys and having a boyfriend. Because they know that God has someone special for them. They still like boys but they just know that there are things more important. If this move does nothing else than cause my children to love God more and seek after Him more, then it was and is so worth it. I am raising up little John the Baptist. They don’t want to play church or even fake it til they make it. We as a family have past the “normal Christian” attitude that a lot of people have.

But this experience with God has been so much more than just for kids. I myself have grown so much in the Lord. I have gotten an increased hunger for His word. I read it now and its not like Chinese. I think about God all the time. I know He will always take care of us. I have seen Him come through so many times since we have been here. He is just so amazing. I have seen God strip things away from my family that we thought were important. I have seen the enemy try to attack us and LOOSE!!! I have watched my husband grow and let God take him to new levels. Being in God’s will is so much more important that trying to keep up with those around you. It has taught us that to truly seek Him means getting out of the box. Although getting out of the box isn’t comfortable, its well worth it. God doesn’t work in the box, he doesn’t heal in the box, he doesn’t dream in the box and why should we. I don’t want to be a box thinking Christian because the God I live my everyday life for is so much bigger than that. He is GOD ALL BY HIMSELF!!! Even when I don’t understand everything that happens, or can even see what in the world is going to happen, or how it will all work out, I know who He is and that He is in control. And that’s trust I know that will never be broken, misused or forgotten.

We look forward to the new levels that God is going to take our family as well as each of us individually. The Glory of the Lord is so worth this all. Even when others can’t see it or feel like our actions are nothing but mistakes, I look around at my family and see what God has done, is doing, and I am excited for what is next…and I am so thankful just to be where He has called us.

Prayer Request Update

Baby Grayson is doing awesome!!! He is almost 2mths old and taking a bottle now. Mom and Dad(Tracy and Stephen Whitlock) are just patiently waiting the day they can take him home! But he is growing fast, now weighs 3.8lbs and is almost 16inches long! Here is a picture of him with his wonderful mommy and daddy! Keep them in your prayers!!!