Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finishing Season

Do you have a hard time finding time in your day to just get away with God? It seems the minute we roll out of bed, the day starts at a downward roll and we can’t stop til we fall into bed. Then we lay there, thinking of all the things we should have done. You know that long to do list that never seems to end or finished! Well in the beginning of June, Damon gave the word from the Lord that this is the Finishing Season. It’s time to finish up those things we keep putting off for God… You know what I mean…

The, “I am going to start tomorrow with my daily prayer and bible reading.” Yet tomorrow never comes. Or the “I am going to start tithing this next paycheck not matter what.” And then that check comes in and the unexpected bill comes and well we put it off. And there’s the “I am going to start fasting at least once a week.” And that one day comes and goes, and it never crosses your mind til either that night or the next morning. It seems chaos is all around us causing us to miss these little opportunities to receive from God. No time, stress, unorder…all these things are tricks of the devil. And it’s time to stop playing his games! It’s time to start making him play our game and us winning at this gift called life.

I am the world’s worst at putting everything off. Or making excuses. I have a husband and four kids and a house that always needs my attention and I can go on. I never put myself first. I feel weird if I do. Usually ends with a guilt trip and pity party. Haha. But the Lord has been whispering to me and I have to realize that my time with Him isn’t being selfish, it is a time for me to get refreshed and gain focus so that I can be the best for my family and those around me. It’s that time that I need to give Him because I have made Him Lord over my life! If it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t have my wonderful husband and 4 beautiful babies. Nor the life I have and the breath I breathe each day. So why is it so hard to do what I must do?

And this is what I have come to conclusion…the devil knows how power God is, and His word, and my time with Him. He knows if I spend time with God that my family and my life, attitude, daily disorder, will be completely out of His reach. So he fights with all he has to take it away. And I am done letting him! It’s the finishing season! Its time I take my time back!!! It’s time that I stick to what I am going to do and instead of letting God down, letting the devil down! I can only rise higher when I do the things I have to do! I am on my way to the Land of milk and honey and no more manna!!(read Exodus though Joshua if you never have!)

I don’t want to be comfortable in my walk with God and get to heaven and realize I could have done and had so much more while on this earth! Or even look back at where I once was and wish I was still there. I want to go to church and have the person giving the word out, step on my toes so that I can change what needs to be changed and be challenged to be and do more for God!! Sure I can be a good Christian and just get by…but I want more! I want to see the sick healed, hospital emptied, the blind see and the lame walk! I want to see hair grow back on cancer patients at the touch of a hand because they are no longer sick! I want to see arms and legs grow back and eyes pop back into sockets! I want to see hospitals emptied because they were all healed! And I know that with these miracles, comes great responsibility

In Matthew 17, the disciples tried to heal a boy but cannot. And so they ask Jesus why can they do it. In verse 20 Jesus says, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” But the most important part of this is in found in verse 21…”However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” I don’t want to miss out on what I can be doing for God because of my lack of prayer and fasting! I believe that I can do all things through Christ but believing isn’t enough! I have to spend time praying and fasting!!!

So in this Finishing Season, I am not going to fool around any longer! It’s time to get everything in order and no more procrastination! I don’t know how many opportunities have passed me by before now but I sure don’t want to miss anymore!

If you want to know more about the Finishing Season, you can go to www.theramp.org and click on media…go back to June 12th’s message and watch every Sunday until today to see what God is saying. Or you can call the Ramp office at 205-921-0909 to get the messages on cd’s. It’s a great word!

Thanks and have a blessed day!!!!!

May God give you the grace to dig into His word daily and uninterrupted! I pray that you have a deep hunger for God and His word in your daily life! I pray that you are blessed beyond measure as you begin this journey with God!

Friday, July 1, 2011


I recently came across this word that God gave me a couple of years ago and thought I'd share it with you. :)

Mark 4:30-32
 30 Jesus said, “How can I describe the Kingdom of God? What story should I use to illustrate it?  
31 It is like a mustard seed planted in the ground. It is the smallest of all seeds,
32 but it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its shade.”

The word tells us that we need to have faith like a mustard seed. Matthew 17:20 ...“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” 

All we need is the faith the size of a mustard seed. It's the smallest seed you can plant but yet it grows larger than any other plant. Our faith, the size of a mustard seed, can produce results larger than we could ever imagine. Something so small produces the largest results with the correct amount of ingredients. God is the perfect ingredient to our faith.  Have faith today and let God began to grow something amazing in your life today!! Wait for it...Wait for it. :)