Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Viewing our Children throught His eyes!


I would like encourage you to take this year and cancel the stereotypes that this world places on our children. You know the ones I am talking about…”Terrible twos, rowdy boys, sassy girls, terrible teenagers who know it all and are rebellious, young adults who are sewing their wild oats, etc.” The bible tells us that are our words speak life and death…Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” As parents, our voice should be the loudest and most influencing. They are a gift of God to us.  As children of God, we are supposed to raise our children in the ways of the Lord. We are supposed to teach them how to be holy and pure and righteous; how we are not supposed to conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2) So many times, we as parents get caught up in how the world views our children instead of how God views them. I want to encourage you to listen to the Lord’s voice and let Him tell you what He sees in them and who He created them to be. After becoming very discouraged by some bad behaviors and feeling so frustrated as a parent, I had a friend give me the same advice. So I began to pray and ask God to show me my children through His eyes and what did He have to say about them. I haven’t received this “long download” but He has given me scriptures and words about them that I now pray over them. I have also shared with them how He sees them. Because I want them to know how much He loves them. So I am going to take this year and try to speak His words over them more than the frustrations or world’s view. My teenage girls don’t have to be rebellious, sneaky, or sassy. My young boys don’t have to be rowdy and rude. My children are  sons and daughters of the most high God! They have a great inheritance of the Lord waiting on them. It’s my job as a parent(Jeremy and I) to guide them in God’s word and direction for their lives, not ours or the worlds; to teach them the standards of today’s society doesn’t have to apply to them and they can live according to the Word of God. This job isn’t easy. Being different isn’t always easy but knowing who we are in the Lord and that our lives are pleasing to Him, is worth it. 

The first thing I started with was the meanings of their names…
Brianna Necole: Noble leader of the people to victory.
Kara Alexis: Dear, sweet defender of people.
Ethan Michael: Strong young man of God, Warrior for Christ.
Jaxson Isaiah: Gracious gift of God.

I also have scriptures that He gave me for each of them and a list of things wrote down that He has spoken over them and even to them. They are not too young to hear His voice. Teach them to listen to Him. 

So take some time and ask God to show you about your children. He created them and knows them better than we do. He can guide us as parents. Begin to cancel the “labels” placed on them by the world and man and tell them who God calls them and His desires for their lives. God is the ultimate parent who has dealt with every issue known to man and He will help you when you need it. 

I pray that your ears and eyes would be open to hear what God has for them and to see them as He does. I pray that you have the boldness to raise them up without the opinion of this world and to cancel every stereotype placed on them by the world around them. I pray you are encouraged as a parent to lead them in the ways of the Lord. Amen.