Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Grouch Girls" Blog

I came across this blog this morning and wanted to share it with you all! Very good!
As mom's (and dad's), we are the example as to how our children handle situations and we have to make sure we are setting the correct example and when we see them not doing their best, we must help them have a better attitude! Lord, Help Me to the best example for my children, even in my grouchy moments!

"Some days are just like that.

As mommies we know full well what it is like to have a grouchy day, so we manage to find mercy for our daughters when they are having the same kind of day.  But, what do we do when our daughters seem to be having “that day” repeatedly?

While the world tells us grouchiness is just part of certain growing up years, I have a different perspective and can often be heard telling my daughters,
What you practice now, you will become later.
If insolence and complaining are practiced in your daughter’s younger years without restraint, you can guarantee she will struggle with these same things as an adult.

If finding fault and unbridled tongue-lashings often occur in her days as a youth, you better believe they will occur in her days as an adult.

The brunt of her grouchiness will move from her siblings to her parents to her husband to her children.  She will feel discontent and out of sorts because no one truly wants to be like this, but because she practiced such things in her youth, her adult years will be fraught with bitterness.

As mothers, we should not accept grouchy girls as the norm.  We must continually strive to teach our daughters to glorify the Lord in all things…our attitudes included.

But how do we foster a sweet spirit and attitude in our young daughters?  Here are some ideas:

*Pray for her and over her.  This is not a time for condemnation, but rather a time to speak into her life the things you know please the Lord.  Rather than pray for her to quit yelling at her siblings, pray for her to continue to learn the art of a meek and quiet spirit.  Always give her something to strive towards.

*Praise her when you see or hear good attitudes.  Yes, you might embarrass her, but she needs to know you see the good in her and not just the bad.

*Model right behavior.  Check your attitude, mama.  Do you grouch around the house more often than you smile?  Do you laugh?  Do you enjoy the girls God has given you?  Or are you grouchy too?  Sometimes a daughter’s attitude is a direct reflection of her mother’s.

*Get to the root of the matter…if there is one.  Not always is there an underlying cause of grouchiness, but sometimes there is and often if that can be addressed, the grouchiness goes away.  For instance, our young daughter was upset over a move a few years ago, yet she wasn’t able to express that.  Instead she was grouchy.  As her mood got worse and worse, I finally realized what was going on and talked through everything with her, only to find my daughter completely changed simply by being able to identify what she was feeling.

*Never allow grouchy responses.  You may have to model the correct vocal inflections or have her repeat exactly what you say and how you say it or ask her to try again many, many times, but do not allow grouchy responses.  Again, she is practicing.  Don’t let her practice the wrong thing.

*Do a character study of the Fruits of the Spirit.  Teach your daughter about patience and kindness and self-control and what those words mean.  There are a myriad of already put together studies of this kind, but you can do just as well reading through that passage of Scripture and simply talking about each component.

*Realize the fruits of the Spirit are the Fruits of the Spirit and you are not the Spirit.  True fruit in your daughter’s life will only come from the Holy Spirit.  You can disciple and lead and guide and direct, but ultimately, this is God’s work."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Growing up fast!

August 15th, 2011
Wow how time flies!
Today my babies started school.
Brianna started her last first day of middle school as she is now in 8th grade! 
Its so hard to believe that next year, she will be in 9th grade!
Kara started 6th grade and Ethan is now in 2nd. 
They had a wonderful first day.
I start school on Thursday.
Jeremy starts school on Monday.
And this year, Jaxson will be starting preschool. Right now, he isnt too sure about it. 
Anytime he things he might spend away from me, upsets him. Its time. 
Although it wont be a complete seperation. 
I will be helping with the preschool while I am in school so I can learn with hands on. I am excited. ;)
Just wanted to share this with you all!
Have a blessed day everyone and I pray those who have children in school, that this is the best year yet!
God Bless You all!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

To Be or Not To Be

“To be or not to be…” The words of one who isn’t sure life it worth living. Is this life not my own? NO! To me, it is not! This life was given to me by God, to be used for God, to show people who God is in my life. There are obstacles that arise in each of one our lives and it’s up to each one of us how we look at them and how we will go about them. Will we let them control us or will we control them. I have not always been the best at the latter part of that…”controlling them” but I am working on that. In the past two years, God has been teaching me how to tell my storm how BIG my God is and not tell God how big my storm is. I have been freed and am being freed still daily from the spirit of worry! You know the one that comes in like a flood and washes all stable things away. You look around and you just aren’t sure when or where or how you can fix the mess it has left behind. But God has taught me that He is the ultimate construction crew. He comes in, dries up all the water and rebuilds faster and better than ever before. So “to be or not to be”…I choose to BE! Worry has no place and when it starts to creep in, I call on Jesus! I remember what great and wonderful things He has done; I remember what He is doing and where He brought me. I remember the chains that He has broken off of me and how those chains will not be passed to those coming after me. There is freedom in that all by itself for me. Knowing that the mess that has been for years is now cleaned up and is not and will not be passed to my kids and the future generations puts a “little water to the eye” as I once heard an old cowboy say. I can hear it now, “what is she talking about?” Well just a short version…the chains of worry, the battle in the mind of what will be next?; the chains of alcoholism and drugs that have haunted my family for years; the chains of abuse that have seemed to creep into the next generation; the chains of bondage that leave you feeling helpless and feeling worthless. Just to name a few. I am FREE!!!! Those are no longer a part of the family heritage of Heidi Marie Smith Ledbetter nor Jeremy B.(shh can’t tell you. Haha) Ledbetter!!! Our kids will not have those demons to battle! Oh and one last chain that probably the biggest…Opinion of Man!!! Just a little FYI, we love each one of our family and friends. You are very important to us and though we value your opinion to some degree, we have come to realize that we cannot base our decisions on where others think or feel what is best for us. We spend lots of time in prayer, fasting, and the word of God and we have to base our every decision of who He is and what He wants for our lives. I (and Jeremy) have spent most of my almost 30years on this earth concerned of what other’s think, what do they want me to do, will they be happy with my decision…blah, blah, blah. It’s exhausting and emotionally draining to be worried if everyone around you like or agrees with your decisions. But wow at the freedom that comes with only depending on God and whether or not He agrees. (If you have always battled with the Opinion of Man, I greatly!!!!!!!! Suggest that you ask God how to get away from it.) Anyhow…. Freedom, To Be… That’s where I am going with all this.

We have embarked on a great adventure in our lives. One of the very many we have had in the last 10 years. (Following God is fun, new adventures around every corner. Some scary but always turns out wonderful.) Jeremy as you know has gone back to school. After the last year of trying to get basic down and trying to head into the medical field of some sort, he is being lead down a completely different road. One that we are very excited about. One that we believe is best for him and for us as a family. He will be changing his focus to Barbering. He will be starting barber school this fall. His goal is to bring back the old time men’s barber shop. It has become a lost art of the past and is slowly dying with the pro’s. Yes big difference from where he was headed but after the past year of school and lots of prayer over the summer, we have realized this is the right road for us. We are very excited as to what the future holds for us. I have also just in the past week decided to go back to school! I am super excited. Never thought that I would be excited about going back to school but I am. And I think that comes from knowing that God is leading and where He leads, I will follow. I start school this month for the fall semester to get my Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education. I will be able to teach preschool through third grade. Becoming a teacher has always been in the back of my mind since I was in high school but I have never pursued it much nor though much else about it. I have a good bit of credits and am looking at about 3 years or less left of school. I will be able to take all my classes online with the exception of a few. So this will still allow me to be at home with Jaxson til he starts kindergarten in a couple of years and be involved with the kids at school.

New changes as we round the last corner of this Finishing Season with God. (if you didn’t read the last blog, go!) It’s an exciting time and we look forward to what God is doing and where we are going! We love and thank each and every one of you who are a part of our support team. Thank you to those who pray with us and help us along this path that God has us on! You are vital to us! Please keep us in your prayers as we enter into this arena of our life. God Bless!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finishing Season

Do you have a hard time finding time in your day to just get away with God? It seems the minute we roll out of bed, the day starts at a downward roll and we can’t stop til we fall into bed. Then we lay there, thinking of all the things we should have done. You know that long to do list that never seems to end or finished! Well in the beginning of June, Damon gave the word from the Lord that this is the Finishing Season. It’s time to finish up those things we keep putting off for God… You know what I mean…

The, “I am going to start tomorrow with my daily prayer and bible reading.” Yet tomorrow never comes. Or the “I am going to start tithing this next paycheck not matter what.” And then that check comes in and the unexpected bill comes and well we put it off. And there’s the “I am going to start fasting at least once a week.” And that one day comes and goes, and it never crosses your mind til either that night or the next morning. It seems chaos is all around us causing us to miss these little opportunities to receive from God. No time, stress, unorder…all these things are tricks of the devil. And it’s time to stop playing his games! It’s time to start making him play our game and us winning at this gift called life.

I am the world’s worst at putting everything off. Or making excuses. I have a husband and four kids and a house that always needs my attention and I can go on. I never put myself first. I feel weird if I do. Usually ends with a guilt trip and pity party. Haha. But the Lord has been whispering to me and I have to realize that my time with Him isn’t being selfish, it is a time for me to get refreshed and gain focus so that I can be the best for my family and those around me. It’s that time that I need to give Him because I have made Him Lord over my life! If it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t have my wonderful husband and 4 beautiful babies. Nor the life I have and the breath I breathe each day. So why is it so hard to do what I must do?

And this is what I have come to conclusion…the devil knows how power God is, and His word, and my time with Him. He knows if I spend time with God that my family and my life, attitude, daily disorder, will be completely out of His reach. So he fights with all he has to take it away. And I am done letting him! It’s the finishing season! Its time I take my time back!!! It’s time that I stick to what I am going to do and instead of letting God down, letting the devil down! I can only rise higher when I do the things I have to do! I am on my way to the Land of milk and honey and no more manna!!(read Exodus though Joshua if you never have!)

I don’t want to be comfortable in my walk with God and get to heaven and realize I could have done and had so much more while on this earth! Or even look back at where I once was and wish I was still there. I want to go to church and have the person giving the word out, step on my toes so that I can change what needs to be changed and be challenged to be and do more for God!! Sure I can be a good Christian and just get by…but I want more! I want to see the sick healed, hospital emptied, the blind see and the lame walk! I want to see hair grow back on cancer patients at the touch of a hand because they are no longer sick! I want to see arms and legs grow back and eyes pop back into sockets! I want to see hospitals emptied because they were all healed! And I know that with these miracles, comes great responsibility

In Matthew 17, the disciples tried to heal a boy but cannot. And so they ask Jesus why can they do it. In verse 20 Jesus says, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” But the most important part of this is in found in verse 21…”However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” I don’t want to miss out on what I can be doing for God because of my lack of prayer and fasting! I believe that I can do all things through Christ but believing isn’t enough! I have to spend time praying and fasting!!!

So in this Finishing Season, I am not going to fool around any longer! It’s time to get everything in order and no more procrastination! I don’t know how many opportunities have passed me by before now but I sure don’t want to miss anymore!

If you want to know more about the Finishing Season, you can go to www.theramp.org and click on media…go back to June 12th’s message and watch every Sunday until today to see what God is saying. Or you can call the Ramp office at 205-921-0909 to get the messages on cd’s. It’s a great word!

Thanks and have a blessed day!!!!!

May God give you the grace to dig into His word daily and uninterrupted! I pray that you have a deep hunger for God and His word in your daily life! I pray that you are blessed beyond measure as you begin this journey with God!

Friday, July 1, 2011


I recently came across this word that God gave me a couple of years ago and thought I'd share it with you. :)

Mark 4:30-32
 30 Jesus said, “How can I describe the Kingdom of God? What story should I use to illustrate it?  
31 It is like a mustard seed planted in the ground. It is the smallest of all seeds,
32 but it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its shade.”

The word tells us that we need to have faith like a mustard seed. Matthew 17:20 ...“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” 

All we need is the faith the size of a mustard seed. It's the smallest seed you can plant but yet it grows larger than any other plant. Our faith, the size of a mustard seed, can produce results larger than we could ever imagine. Something so small produces the largest results with the correct amount of ingredients. God is the perfect ingredient to our faith.  Have faith today and let God began to grow something amazing in your life today!! Wait for it...Wait for it. :)


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Its Summer Time!!!

Yay no more 6am alarm clock going off!!! We are ready for summer break. The kids are offically done with school. Brianna is now an 8th grader! Oh My! I am not sure I am ready for this. Because this means next year she will be in high school! Kara is now a 6th grader. Ethan is going into 2nd. He finished 1st grade with A Honor Roll all year long and was in the top reading club. He is very smart. Jaxson is ready for them to be at home in the day time. We have enjoyed our first week off.

After our slip n slide breaking, we decided to get a tarp with a sprinkler. It works much better and the kids love being able to slide at the same time. It has been too funny watching them...we've had lots of wipeouts-some on purpose and some not. Its been a great way to cool from the 99 degree weather that hit us the week they got out.

We dont have a big summer planned. We are hoping to go to Florida in a couple of weeks, a much needed vacation! We havent been on a vacation in 4yrs! Other than that we will be hanging out here and there. There are some local places we can go to swim and such plus the lake. Jeremy is only taking one class this summer so it actually going to be great to just hang out, all of us together. Much needed family time in between the Summer Ramps. Ramp Conferences are wonderful and we are excited for them to get started! Nothing like worshiping with 1000+ people, baptisms, and whatever else the Lord's heart desires!

Photography has been slow. I guess because its so hot. I have a few people who want to line up some pics for this summer. So looking forward to those for sure!

We have chickens and the kids have very much enjoyed taking care of them. They haven't started laying eggs yet but feel it will be by the end of the summer. We have 8. They are good chickens and because we have raised them from birth, they are very calm with the kids. Jaxson loves to pick them up. Its a great experience for the kids.

You can feed in your hand and they will eat out of your hand. Jaxson usually does this as a trap. haha Once they come to him, he will grab one. Too

 Hope you all enjoy your summer. More pics and news coming soon. Until then, stay cool and may God bless you all above and beyond your every need! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What do you do with your trash?

I read this in an email and wanted to share it with you. 
I have been guilty of being that garbage truck and this is a great reminder to myself not 
to spread around my trash. Enjoy :)
"One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport
We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car 
jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.
My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! 
The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. 
And I mean, he was really friendly.
So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'
This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call,  
'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. 
They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment.
As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. 
Don't take it personally.
Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. 
Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so ... Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

JOB 1:22

Job 1:22 "In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong."

Have you ever had something happen in your day or life that you didn't handle correctly or even got upset with God?

We have to learn how to be more like Job and be faithful through the storms in life. Verse 21 says God gives and God takes away. No matter what we loose, God can give it back and we must not be so attached to our belongings that we would charge God with loosing those things but know He can and will restore to us what is taken.

Don't let anger, bitterness, hurt, or any other thing creep in when the storms come! Keep the Faith!! Keep an eternal perspective - "an eternal perspective gives us the ability to see beyond temporary trials."

"God can grow a mushroom overnight, but it takes many years - and many storms - to build a might oak." Warren Wiersbe 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Laugh @ the devil!!!

The word in my heart today! Enjoy :)

Ps 37:12-13 "The wicked plots against the just and gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming." When the devil attempts his little attacks in our lives, we should respond the same way the Lord does...with laughter at how ridiculous he is. But too often, we given in with hurt, anger, defeat, depression, or whatever else you respond with. Lets give the devil a black eye today and not give in. Laugh at him and know he is already defeated!
Because 1 John 4:4 says "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, BECAUSE HE WHO IS IN YOU IS GREATER THAN he WHO IS IN THE WORLD!" And Isaiah 54:17 says, "NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER..."

Keep this in your heart today and meditate on it. When the enemy comes roaring in like a lion retaliate with the WORD and by not giving in to him. Because the ways of the Lord lead to everlasting life.

Dear Lord, please remind me today when those attacks sneak up to use your word and not respond the way the world does. Help me Lord to remember that I am a child of God and I have all authority over the devil. I dont want to give away my authority to him today in any way, through my attitude, my speech, my thoughts....nothing!!! You are God Almighty and Lord over my life and I want it to reflect in everything I say and do! Help to respond to my family correctly and be the best mom/wife I can be according to your word! Thank you Lord for all you do! AMEN!

Monday, March 14, 2011

What is your Birthright?

I posted this about a year ago but recently came across it again in my journal and felt the Lord telling me to re-post it. Yes Lord. :)

What is your Birthright?

What is your Birthright?

What is a birthright? **(any right or privilege to which a person is entitled by birth)
it’s a position that holds rights and benefits. What are your benefits of being a child of God, what’s your birthright in Heaven? Eternity with the most High God, forever happiness and love!!! The most joy you could ever think you could have.

What about the birthright of Hell? Eternal burning in the lake of fire, misery, sadness, depression, feeling of loss!

Esau and Jacob *Genesis 25:27-34
Jacob always wanted what Esau had…from day one….

Genesis 25:27-34 (New International Version)
27 The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was a quiet man, staying among the tents. 28 Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob.
29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, "Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I'm famished!" (That is why he was also called Edom.-red )
31 Jacob replied, "First sell me your birthright."
32 "Look, I am about to die," Esau said. "What good is the birthright to me?"
33 But Jacob said, "Swear to me first." So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.
34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.
So Esau despised his birthright.

Esau sold his birthright in the moment, without thinking ahead to the future and the consequences of his actions. He took what he could feel and let it control the moment.

Are the actions in your life affecting your future: Are you thinking about the consequences of what your actions have on your future? Are you giving up your birthright for the moment, for the thrill, for the high, for selfishness?

What is your birthright? Each and everyone of us was and is born a child of God, his son or his daughter!!! Psalm 139:13-16 (13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.)….tells us that God knew us before we were even formed, before I was an I, He already knew me and the path He has for me. My birthright is that of-the child of the most high God, King of kings, and Lord of lords!!! I am an heir to God and his kingdom and all that is His. He has a place for me and for you in Heaven…our own little place! Just as a prince or princess, in-line to the throne, I have a path set before me. Ephesians 2:10 (For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.)…. tells me that “we should walk in them.” Its my choice to go after that path, to go after my birthright, to be proud of it. To be so proud of it that I don’t let foolish things get in my way of obtaining it. I am running a race to obtain the prize.

Esau gave his away for some stew!!! What is your stew? What are you willing to give it up for? …sex, lust of another person or thing, drugs/alcohol…just one more high/drunk, attitude(yes even our attitude can get in the way), anger, hatred, un-forgiveness, adultery, fornication with the enemy(giving yourself to the enemy), a job, money, a friend, a boy/girlfriend…? What is your stew? What is so important that you would be willing to give up your birthright, a seat in Heaven, Eternity with the most wonderful and loving father you could ever imagine…What would you give up for your birthright? Satan knows that by taking it from you, that you have lost the best thing ever given to you. Why do you think he fights so hard for it. Jacob knew the power of Esau’s birthright…why do you think he asked for it? He could have asked for anything else…but he knew how important the power and blessings were that came with that position.

So what is your birthright? Is it important to you and what’s it worth? Will you hold on to it, or give it up in the heat of the moment?

Jacob desired the birthright of Esau…always wanted what he had from the time they were conceived…

Do you have something in you that others desire, that others long for and want? Does your relationship with God show your birthright?

Time Gets Away

Wow how time fly's when you are having fun! Its been super busy in the past month. New photo shoots for HML Photography! I am loving it. I am very excited about what the Lord has in-store. I love learning and capturing little moments with families. Its so much fun to get down in the grass with the little ones or trying to capture those once in a moment looks. God knows the desires of my heart and everyday, we get one step closer to something I have dreamed about for years!!!

Life has been good here...The kids are doing great! Brianna will turn 13 this month!! I cant believe it!!! Seems like only yesterday she was 3. Kara is great! She is becoming a little artist and is very creative. Ethan and Jaxson are all boys! They love hunting, shooting bows, and just being outside! I believe Jaxson is part John Deere Tractor...he never misses one that we pass on the road. Once his eye catches it...we hear in the his very loud boy voice...JOHN DEERE TRACTOR!!!! I love my kids. Jeremy is great. School is going good for him. Its getting tougher but he is doing good. Me...well I am just great :)

I leave you with this great scripture I came across tonight in a devotion! It really stuck out to me.

Deuteronomy 7:9 (NLT)
"Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is  indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands."
Wow!!! Just the first statement that is indeed God sums it all up! He is God all by Himself!! He is faithful to all. He is just as good to us as He always has been to those who have gone ahead. He never fails us...but there is a catch...He never fails those who love Him and obey His word. He wont bend the rules just because they dont fit our lifestyle. We have to obey the commands He has left for us.

I love you Lord!!! Mold me and guide me everyday so that only you will receive the Glory!!
God Bless each and everyone of you! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I have more blogs to come...God has given me so many things and I have failed to make the time to get them on here. But I am going to do it and be faithful to Him. Consistency is a big word for 2011 and I got get on track!!! So look forward to more soon. :) God bless you and thanks for reading these! I just hope God is glorified!

How to do this thing called life...

I love when I get revelation from the Lord on a word. Its simple and not "deep" but it was something that God spoke to me. I always write these down because I know He has a purpose. Whether it be for me immediately or rather something He will use for someone else. So here it is...

James 4:7-10 (NKJV)

v.7 "Therefor submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
~How many times have you heard that scripture? I have heard it most of my life...but as I read this, I began to realize something.... The first part of this scripture is often left off... But the Lord revealed to me that this is the most important part of this.... "Submit to God!" Submit: to give over or yield to the power or authority of another... We must give over our lives and yield to God! Our life, our thoughts, our actions all have to be submitted to Him! If not, then we have no authority over the enemy. We can't resist him if we haven't submitted our lives to the Lord! You will not have authority over the enemy if God doesn't have full authority over you! Wow...I began to pray that any area in my life that He doesn't have authority over, I give it fully to Him!! I want the full advantage of this word!

V.8 goes on to say, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." Turn to God, go towards Him with your life and He will in return come to you. You have to turn away from your old ways, old life, old desires. Wash yourself of the way you were before the Lord and make your heart pure.

So 1st-Submit to God. Resist the devil. Draw near to God. Be cleansed and Purified!
I like how the New Living Translation puts v.9...
"Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy." I can tell you that when you began to go towards the Lord and you see all you have done to keep you from His love, it will bring about deep sorrow. I knew I had not been where I needed to be and when changes started to be made, it brought about some sadness that I had missed out on what He had for me and also what pain He must have felt when I turned from Him. I desired forgiveness and guess what...HE IS READY TO GIVE IT! Thank you Lord!

Once we make this change, we can then do Verse 10

v.10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up."  I like this definition of humble..."to destroy the independence, power, or will of" ...Destroy the independence of thinking you are bigger than Him and you can do it by yourself...give up your own will power and allow Him to be Lord over your life! Because I can promise you when you Submit to God, cleanse and purify yourself and your life, and become humble...HE WILL LIFT YOU UP!!!  He will bring about new heights you never dreamed of.

Thank you Lord that Humility cures worldliness! Thank you for loving us and giving us life! Show us Lord when aren't going in the right direction so that we can turn back to you. We submit our lives so that we can be a listening vessel to you. We resist all the devil has for us because we just want more of you!!! Thank you God for lifting us up and keeping us in your hand!

"He's got the whole world in His hand..."

He Is Faithful

So I have been meaning to post this for a long time but just haven't gotten around to it. But its huge and God is Faithful to what His word says!!!

In November of 2009, I began to have a "bruised feeling" in my right heel. I was sure I had bruised it at some point and was looking forward to it healing. It Hurt!! But it didn't go away. It began to get worse each day. Some days, it hurt so bad that I hopped around the house unable to put much pressure on it. I was miserable! In February of 2010, I began to do some research and realized I had a heel spur. All the symptoms pointed to it. I started wearing shoe supports and keeping my shoes on at all time. I had to put them on as soon as I got out of bed! Very sad for me because I love to be with out shoes when I am home! In April 2010, I went to the doctor and confirmed I had a heel spur. The doctor said it was one of the biggest ones he had ever seen. GREAT! He put me on medicine to try to help but this medicine made me sick...so I had to stop taking it. Other options were to have it cut out which can be very painful and have lasting effects. Or to have a cortisone shot and I just couldn't do it. At this point I just began to pray. I know who my God is and He is the ultimate healer. And I told Him that I was accepting nothing less than His healing.(I know doctors have knowledge for healing but I wanted this from God and not man!) So I prayed everyday for healing and just claimed it!! I watch 700 Club everyday and would pray with them each time they prayed, hoping they would call out my need. Day in and Day out, nothing. But I still believed!

October 7, 2010...I was listening to 700 Club and as they began to pray, I decided not to pray for my foot. I told God..."Lord Whatever your will. If you do, you do and if you don't, you don't. But I still believe." As they began to pray, Terry said, "God is healing someone who has bone spurs in their feet. He is beginning to break them apart and they will dissolve over time. You will begin to feel it." Oh my gosh, I just broke down and began to cry. I couldn't stop. I felt it in my foot. It was tingling right in the very spot that had hurt me so bad!! I just began to Praise the Lord! He is so good and His promises are true and yes and amen!! I had been waiting on this moment for a year and it's here!!! I didn't feel healed the next morning but I knew what He promised and over the past 4 months, the pain has gone away!!! I am healed!! He is still in the miracle business and He is ready and willing to meet your every need! It may not come in an instant, may not come next month...but He will do it! I felt it in my spirit that He would heal me and He did! I am thankful everyday to be able to get out of bed and not feel like my foot is broke! I am thankful that this coming summer I will be able to wear flip flops!

Thank you God for being faithful and being the ultimate physician!! You are God all by yourself! I love you and Thank you for healing my body!!! God is Good!!!