Thursday, February 3, 2011

I have more blogs to come...God has given me so many things and I have failed to make the time to get them on here. But I am going to do it and be faithful to Him. Consistency is a big word for 2011 and I got get on track!!! So look forward to more soon. :) God bless you and thanks for reading these! I just hope God is glorified!

How to do this thing called life...

I love when I get revelation from the Lord on a word. Its simple and not "deep" but it was something that God spoke to me. I always write these down because I know He has a purpose. Whether it be for me immediately or rather something He will use for someone else. So here it is...

James 4:7-10 (NKJV)

v.7 "Therefor submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
~How many times have you heard that scripture? I have heard it most of my life...but as I read this, I began to realize something.... The first part of this scripture is often left off... But the Lord revealed to me that this is the most important part of this.... "Submit to God!" Submit: to give over or yield to the power or authority of another... We must give over our lives and yield to God! Our life, our thoughts, our actions all have to be submitted to Him! If not, then we have no authority over the enemy. We can't resist him if we haven't submitted our lives to the Lord! You will not have authority over the enemy if God doesn't have full authority over you! Wow...I began to pray that any area in my life that He doesn't have authority over, I give it fully to Him!! I want the full advantage of this word!

V.8 goes on to say, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." Turn to God, go towards Him with your life and He will in return come to you. You have to turn away from your old ways, old life, old desires. Wash yourself of the way you were before the Lord and make your heart pure.

So 1st-Submit to God. Resist the devil. Draw near to God. Be cleansed and Purified!
I like how the New Living Translation puts v.9...
"Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy." I can tell you that when you began to go towards the Lord and you see all you have done to keep you from His love, it will bring about deep sorrow. I knew I had not been where I needed to be and when changes started to be made, it brought about some sadness that I had missed out on what He had for me and also what pain He must have felt when I turned from Him. I desired forgiveness and guess what...HE IS READY TO GIVE IT! Thank you Lord!

Once we make this change, we can then do Verse 10

v.10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up."  I like this definition of humble..."to destroy the independence, power, or will of" ...Destroy the independence of thinking you are bigger than Him and you can do it by yourself...give up your own will power and allow Him to be Lord over your life! Because I can promise you when you Submit to God, cleanse and purify yourself and your life, and become humble...HE WILL LIFT YOU UP!!!  He will bring about new heights you never dreamed of.

Thank you Lord that Humility cures worldliness! Thank you for loving us and giving us life! Show us Lord when aren't going in the right direction so that we can turn back to you. We submit our lives so that we can be a listening vessel to you. We resist all the devil has for us because we just want more of you!!! Thank you God for lifting us up and keeping us in your hand!

"He's got the whole world in His hand..."

He Is Faithful

So I have been meaning to post this for a long time but just haven't gotten around to it. But its huge and God is Faithful to what His word says!!!

In November of 2009, I began to have a "bruised feeling" in my right heel. I was sure I had bruised it at some point and was looking forward to it healing. It Hurt!! But it didn't go away. It began to get worse each day. Some days, it hurt so bad that I hopped around the house unable to put much pressure on it. I was miserable! In February of 2010, I began to do some research and realized I had a heel spur. All the symptoms pointed to it. I started wearing shoe supports and keeping my shoes on at all time. I had to put them on as soon as I got out of bed! Very sad for me because I love to be with out shoes when I am home! In April 2010, I went to the doctor and confirmed I had a heel spur. The doctor said it was one of the biggest ones he had ever seen. GREAT! He put me on medicine to try to help but this medicine made me I had to stop taking it. Other options were to have it cut out which can be very painful and have lasting effects. Or to have a cortisone shot and I just couldn't do it. At this point I just began to pray. I know who my God is and He is the ultimate healer. And I told Him that I was accepting nothing less than His healing.(I know doctors have knowledge for healing but I wanted this from God and not man!) So I prayed everyday for healing and just claimed it!! I watch 700 Club everyday and would pray with them each time they prayed, hoping they would call out my need. Day in and Day out, nothing. But I still believed!

October 7, 2010...I was listening to 700 Club and as they began to pray, I decided not to pray for my foot. I told God..."Lord Whatever your will. If you do, you do and if you don't, you don't. But I still believe." As they began to pray, Terry said, "God is healing someone who has bone spurs in their feet. He is beginning to break them apart and they will dissolve over time. You will begin to feel it." Oh my gosh, I just broke down and began to cry. I couldn't stop. I felt it in my foot. It was tingling right in the very spot that had hurt me so bad!! I just began to Praise the Lord! He is so good and His promises are true and yes and amen!! I had been waiting on this moment for a year and it's here!!! I didn't feel healed the next morning but I knew what He promised and over the past 4 months, the pain has gone away!!! I am healed!! He is still in the miracle business and He is ready and willing to meet your every need! It may not come in an instant, may not come next month...but He will do it! I felt it in my spirit that He would heal me and He did! I am thankful everyday to be able to get out of bed and not feel like my foot is broke! I am thankful that this coming summer I will be able to wear flip flops!

Thank you God for being faithful and being the ultimate physician!! You are God all by yourself! I love you and Thank you for healing my body!!! God is Good!!!