Thursday, July 17, 2014

Being A Mom Is A Tough

Motherhood: something most young girls dream about as a little girl, teen, newlywed. We think about how many children we want, what will their names be, what we'd like them to look like, act like, how we'd dress them, what type of character we hope they have.'re pregnant! Yay!! Until...those pesky little stretch marks start becoming as dark as a red permanent marker, next your feet swell up so fat that regular shoes don't even fit, and now it's time to push and your thinking "if that man doesn't hurry up and stop this pain, I'm going to die!" Haha. (Except for those exceptional woman who all natural - you're amazing.) Awe, now we hold this precious baby that has stolen our heart and we learn what real love is. Life is going to be's 3am and you haven't seen the back of your eyelids in days, nor the inside of the shower. You feel like a watering hole. Will all this extra baby belly ever go away? Why does this baby keep crying? Will I ever sleep again? How does something so small smell so bad? Then he/she smiles and melts all those cares away! 

Next thing you know, he/she is two and destroying that brand new $30 bottle of makeup you bought for yourself. (Insert crying bc you can't ever have anything nice anymore.) Will they EVER be potty trained?! Can't they just be still for 5 mins so I can catch my breath? And then they fall asleep in your arms and that angel halo pops up and those wings come out as you snuggle with this precious gift! And you think...I want another one! 

Preschool. Kindergarten graduation. Middle school. Mom is no longer cool and knows nothing! High school. Mom definitely doesn't understand and knows NOTHING. 16 and driving-you think you might die for real! Graduation. College. And their off. Motherhood never ends. 

It's a blessing to be a mom! No doubt! I LOVE MY KIDS to the moon and back! I'd die for each one even on their unfavorable days.  They are my pride and joy. We are blessed with healthy children who love the Lord. Each one completes our family!

16, 14, 10, and 6.  Two girls and two boys. What a blessings from God and an honor that He would allow me(and their dad) to be their parent on this earth. He trusts Me with them! Whoa!! 

Selah. (think about that...God trust YOU with His children on this must be doing something right.)

Yet, everyday we lose sight of that truth in the mundane tasks of life and trying to make our social media family look like a glorious-beautiful-have-it-all-together family; keeping our kids "trained" to be the best at school or sports or whatever. We become so busy that we miss the moments because of our hurry. And boom today becomes yesterday and we beat ourselves up bc we didn't make today better. 

Don't be so hard on yourself(PS. I'm preaching to me!!). It's ok if they don't have an outfit for everyday of the year or the newest set of Lego's. Being a mom(or parent period) is a hard job!! It's hard physically, mentally, and emotionally. But it's also the most rewarding job there ever will be! 

There will be tears of joy and tears of sadness! There will praises and punishments! You will be right and you will be wrong-most times even if your right. Haha 

Kids will be kids and not every action, every word, every characteristic will reflect you as a parent. And that's OK. They are going to mess up! You are going to mess up! 

Find forgiveness. 
Give forgiveness. 
Receive forgiveness!! 

Have grace and mercy...for yourself and for them! 

Love with all your heart! Be real! Be consistent! Be truthful! Don't be perfect or expect perfection-it's not real! You're not superwoman and THAT'S OK! 

Laundry will pile up. Dishes will overflow. Messes will happen. Overwhelming days will come. Wonderful days will come. A clean house WILL happen. 

Breath In. Breath out. And most of all don't be hard on yourself and don't be hard on other mothers. Be patient. Love your kids, yourself, and others RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE! 

Being a Mom is a Tough job! But you've got this! And remember, it won't be like this for long! It goes by A LOT faster than you realize!! 

Be. An. #imperfectmom. Why?  Because she is real! 

P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. Oh I loved reading this, especially the Selah part and it's true how God has trusted us with these children. You have a beautiful family and a beautiful blog post. So many nuggets here about forgiveness and yes His grace is new every morning. Thanks for sharing Heidi. Debbie W. (Proverbs 31 Ministries OBS Team)

  2. Awe. Thank you Debbie for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed! Just shared my heart and revelations God has given me. :-)
