Tuesday, March 16, 2010

From my mind to my fingers...

My mind seems to be well not blank...I actually have a lot on it but when I sit down to actually type it out, I can't seem to get it out the way it is in my head. Crazy huh. Usually when I lay down at night, I can think of everything I need to write down or want to write down. But wow at midnight, I just don't wanna get up. :) So maybe its writers block??? I have lots on my mind like "what have I learned in the past year?" and the word God gave me "What is your birthright?" along with "What are you hiding in your tent?" (from the book of Joshua) and also "Compromise"... But its like my brain and my fingers can come together to get it all out. The word about birthright is already typed up and I am going to post it, but others are just stuck. So I haven't forgotten this blog thing...I just cant seem to get my thoughts together.

Life has been good. Jaxson is so funny these days. Everything he says is in sentence form now and its just too funny to listen to him talk. Brianna is about to turn 12 and that is so hard to believe. We are half way thru March with only 9 weeks of school left before summer! Cant believe Ethan is almost a first grader and Kara a 5th grader. It just doesn't seem possible. Where did the time go.I love this picture of Brianna and Kara. We went to Nanny's this weekend and I took this there. They are just so beautiful!!!

Ethan has really gotten into this Rock Star thing! He loves his guitar Mrs. Karen gave him. He wants to wear his blazer jacket with his rock shirts, new shades, and messy hair all the time. This week, he was MAJOR ROCKSTAR(think of Alvin and the Chipmunks). :) He really gets into character too. Too funny! But very handsome!

Jaxson, well he is just cute anyway you look at it. I took lots of pictures of him out in the yard(trying to learn my camera). He was a good sport and posed for most of them. He is just so much fun right now. He always wants to say the blessing at eating time, if you ask if he is done with something, his new response is "not yet." He loves to take a shower. He loves to play outside. He can also count to 5 in Spanish and to 8 in English. Yes Dora and Diego are working. haha. It was so funny the first time he counted in Spanish. He was playing cars and just started saying quartro and then cinco. So I said Uno, he said Dos and we finished them together. Now when you ask him, if he doesn't want to say them, he says "No Uno." Very funny. I love my kids and my life!

Stay posted...more blogs to come shortly because I have a feeling its all coming to me. :)

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