Friday, March 26, 2010

Ready for whats next...

So I have been in this slump all energy, extra tired, cranky at times for no reason, stressed, frustrated, and overwhelmed, feeling like I am at a road block in lots of areas. Wow after typing all that, I feel sorry for my family this past week.

As I logged in onto Facebook last night, Mrs. Karen says she can feel its going to be a great weekend(along with lots of others). Next was Creflo Dollar status, "God promises to come through in your life in a way that will work for you and satisfy you. When your path appears blocked, God sees a way." I've had moments this week when I have realized that God is up to something big because the enemy has been on my back, kinda like those nagging people on the back commercials. I have comlete faith in the Lord and I KNOW He has my every situation in His hand. Athough I hate times when I feel like this, I have a great anticipation and excitement with what the future holds. God's plan is always bigger and better than the enemy's and even with my uncertianty of how it will all work out, I know that it will. God can see ahead of me. So even with all this heaviness on me, I can see the beauty coming. I can feel it. I know there will be breakthrough. I just have to keep the praise coming and lifting up His name. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were in jail, beaten and chained up, they still praised the name of the Lord. Around midnight, there was an earthquake and their chains were broken. Through their praise and faith, God made a way. And so I will know I just have to keep my head held high and know that He is God! (By the way, God is so funny. He knows what we need when we need it...this morning my devotion was "Praise your way to a Breakthrough!" Haha, I love how He works!
Sometimes the heaviness is there so that we can be truly grateful when its lifted. The gathering this weekend is going to be amazing. In my heart, I have been excited about it. Rick Pino is supposed to be here, on top of all the other great people who are with this ministry!

Jeremiah 29:11 " 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.' " So if today you are feeling the same thing or going through something that you just cant see the end of, remember that as long as God is in control, that it will only last for moment and that it will all work out. Because He has great plans for us. He knows the future and as long as we stay on His path, His will, and let Him guide us, Everything will be ok.

Have a great day and enjoy this beautiful picture God gave me yesterday after a hail storm here at the house. :)

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